July 21, 2008
ATI Catalyst™ Software Suite Version 8.7
releasenote provides information on the latest posting of AMD's
industryleading software suite, Catalyst™. This particular software
suiteupdates both the AMD Display Driver, and the Catalyst™ Control
Center.This unified driver has been further enhanced to provide the
highestlevel of power, performance, and reliability. The AMD
Catalyst™software suite is the ultimate in performance and stability.
This release note provides information on the following:
Web Content
The Catalyst™ software suite 8.7 contains the following:
- Radeon™ display driver 8.512
- Multimedia Center™ 9.16 (Windows XP only)
- HydraVision™ for both Windows XP and Vista
- HydraVision™ Basic Edition (Windows XP only)
- Remote Wonder 3.04 (Windows XP only)
- WDM Driver Install Bundle
- Southbridge/IXP Driver
- Catalyst™ Control Center Version 8.7
| Caution: | The
Catalyst™ software driver and the Catalyst™ Control Center can
bedownloaded independently of each other. However, for maximum
stabilityand performance AMD recommends that both components be updated
from thesame Catalyst™ release |
| Caution: | The
Catalyst™ Control Center requires that the Microsoft .NET
Frameworkversion 2.0 be installed. Without .NET version 2.0 installed,
theCatalyst™ Control Center will not launch properly and the user will
seean error message. |
|  |
| Note: | These release notes provide information on the Radeon™ display driver only. For information on the ATI Multimedia Center™, HydraVision™, HydraVision Basic Edition, WDM, Remote Wonder™, or the Southbridge/IXP driver, please refer to their respective release notes found at: https://support.ati.com/ |
AMD Product Support
Vista driver for both the 32bit and 64bit versions of theMicrosoft
Windows Vista operating system is supported on the followingATI Radeon™
AMD Desktop Product Family Support for both Windows Vista and XP AMD Desktop Product Family Support |
ATI Radeon™ HD 4800 series
| ATI Radeon™ X1300 series
ATI Radeon™ HD 3800 series
| ATI Radeon™ X1050 series
ATI Radeon™ HD 3600 series
| ATI Radeon™ X850 series
ATI Radeon™ HD 3400 series
| ATI Radeon™ X800 series
ATI Radeon™ HD 2900 series
| ATI Radeon™ X700 series
ATI Radeon™ HD 2600 series
| ATI Radeon™ X600 series
ATI Radeon™ HD 2400 series
| ATI Radeon™ X550 series
ATI Radeon™ X1950 series
| ATI Radeon™ X300 series
ATI Radeon™ X1900 series
| ATI Radeon™ 9800 series
ATI Radeon™ X1800 series
| ATI Radeon™ 9700 series
ATI Radeon™ X1650 series
| ATI Radeon™ 9600 series
ATI Radeon™ X1600 series
| ATI Radeon™ 9550 series
ATI Radeon™ X1550 series
| ATI Radeon™ 9500 series
AMD Multimedia Family Product Support for both Windows Vista and XP AMD Multimedia Family Product Support |
ATI All-in-Wonder™ X1900 Series
| ATI Theater 600™
ATI All-in-Wonder™ X1800 Series
| ATI All-in-Wonder™ X600 Series
ATI All-in-Wonder™ 2006 Edition
| ATI Theater™ 550 PRO
ATI All-in-Wonder™ X800 Series
| ATI All-in-Wonder™ 9800 Series
ATI Theater 650™
| ATI All-in-Wonder™ 9600 Series
|  |
| Note: | ATI
All-in-Wonder™boards operate with AMD's Windows Vista ready display and
capturedrivers under the Windows Vista operating system. However, the
WindowsVista Media Center application does not support
TV/Capturefunctionality provided by the ATI All-in-Wonder™.
TV/Capturefunctionality is qualified to function with Snaptream's
BeyondTV 4.6for Windows Vista. Other third party solutions (such as
Arcsoft's TotalMedia 3) may support TV/Capture with the ATI
All-in-Wonder™, but theseapplications have not been fully tested by AMD. |
AMD Chipset Product Support AMD Chipset Product Support |
ATI Radeon™ HD 3200 Series
| AMD 580X Series Chipset
ATI Radeon™ HD 3100 Series
| ATI Radeon™ Xpress 1150 Series
ATI Radeon™ HD 2100 Series
| ATI Radeon™ Xpress 1100 Series
ATI Radeon™ Xpress 1250 Series
| ATI Radeon™ Xpress 200 Series
ATI Radeon™ X1250 Series
| AMD 690 Series Chipset
ATI Radeon™ X1200 Series
Operating systems supported
The latest version of the Catalyst™ software suite is designed to support the following Microsoft Windows platforms:
- Windows Vista (32 and 64 bit versions)
- Windows XP Professional
- Windows XP Home Edition
- Windows XP Media Center Edition
- Windows XP Professional x64 Edition
|  |
| Note: | When
installing theCatalyst™ Vista driver for Windows Vista, the user must
logged on as anAdministrator or have Administrator rights in order to
successfullycomplete the installation of the Catalyst™ Vista driver. |
New Features
Catalyst™ 8.7 introduces the following new features:
Catalyst Control Center: Information Center enhancements
releaseof Catalyst™ introduces an enhancement to the Catalyst Control
CenterInformation Center. Full Hardware information will be shown for
eachphysical graphics accelerator installed in the system.
Support for new Linux operating systems
This release of ATI Catalyst™ Linux introduces preview support for the following new operating systems:
- Ubuntu 8.04 production support
- SLED 10 sp2 production support
Performance Improvements
The following performance gains are noticed with this release of Catalyst™.
- 3DMarkVantage:
Performance increases of up to 20% is noticed in thePerformance Preset
on single card configured systems when using ATIRadeon™ HD 36xx or ATI
Radeon™ HD 34xx products
- Companyof
Heroes DX10: Performance increases of 3% to 12% is noticed inspecific
maps on single card configured systems when using either anATI Radeon™
HD 48xx, ATI Radeon ™ HD 38xx, or an ATI Radeon™ HD 36xxproduct
- LostPlanet
DX10: Performance increases of 4% to 15% is noticed in specificmaps on
single card configured systems when using either an ATI Radeon™HD 48xx,
ATI Radeon™ HD 38xx, or an ATI Radeon™ HD 36xx product
- CallOf
Duty 4 DX9: Performance increases of up to 4% in specific maps
isnoticed on single card configured systems when using an ATI Radeon™
HD48xx product
- Lost
Planet DX9: CrossFire™ scaling improves up to 1.7x and performance
increases up to 80% across all Radeon™ products when AA and AF is
ATI's Folding@Home
a distributed computing project designed by the Stanford University.The
application performs intensive simulations of protein folding.
Thissimulation will help researchers uncover how certain diseases
develop.Folding@Home uses distributed computing to simulate protein
folding,the workload is broken up into small work units and distributed
acrosshundreds of thousands of computers over the internet. You can
help findthe cure to many different diseases! To join Folding@Home,
follow thesesteps:
- Download ATI's Catalyst™ software suite
- Download the Folding@Home GPU client application
|  |
| Note: | The latest GPU client supports the ATI Radeon™ HD 3xx0 series of products only. |
- Enter the ATI team number 51394 and start folding!
For more information on Folding@Home visit: http://ati.amd.com/technology/streamcomputing/folding.html
Resolved Issues for the Windows Vista Operating System
sectionprovides information on resolved issues in this release of the
ATICatalyst™ Software Suite for Windows Vista. These include:
- Assassin's Creed:
Attemptingto launch the game on a system containing an ATI Radeon™ HD
2600 seriesof product and running the Windows Vista operating system
(32 bitversion) no longer results in the game exiting to the desktop.
Furtherdetails can be found in topic number 737-35804
- Crysis:
Edge detect is nowworking when playing the DX9 version of the game with
UBM enabled.Further details can be found in topic number 737-35765
- Frontlines Fuel of War:Setting
the in-game option to 1152x864 and AA to N/A no longer resultsin
corruption being noticed when playing the game on a systemcontaining an
ATI Radeon™ HD 38x0 series of product. Further detailscan be found in
topic number 737-35861
- Hellgate London:
Setting thedisplay resolution to 2560x1600 no longer results in the
game failingto respond. Further details can be found in topic number
- Mahjongg Artifacts:
Launchingthe game on a system running Windows Vista no longer results
in theoperating system failing to respond. Further details can be found
intopic number 737-35873
- Rainbow Six Vegas 2:Flickering
is no longer noticed when switching between the game and theWindows
desktop. Further details can be found in topic number 737-35818
- Rainbow Six Vegas 2: Setting AA to 8x no longer results in AA failing to be applied. Further details can be found in topic number 737-35823
- World In Conflict:Setting
the video quality to high no longer results in corruption beingnoticed.
Further details can be found in topic number 737-35884
- World of Warcraft:
The game's log-in background is no longer blank when using OpenGL mode.
Further details can be found in topic number 737-35767
- ZT:Attempting
to play the Asian game in a windowed mode or at a displayresolution of
1280x1024 no longer results in the game failing torespond. Further
details can be found in topic number 737-34152
- Runningvarious
games on a system containing an ATI Radeon™ X18x0 series ofproduct no
longer results in Time-out Detection and Recovery (TDR) whenhaving
Catalyst AI set to Advanced. Further details can be found intopic
number 737-35828
- Ablack
window is no longer displayed when attempting to play a DVD titleusing
WinDVD 7 when Overlay Theater Mode and clone mode is enabled.Further
details can be found in topic number 737-34133
- Connectingan
HDMI display device to the DVI port using an HDMI to DVI dongle
nolonger results in the display mode of 720x480 failing to be in
thedisplay mode list after hot-unplugging the HDMI display device
andhot-plugging a DVI display device. Further details can be found
intopic number 737-35105
- Clickingon
the Scaling Options for the HDMI display device no longer results inthe
Panel Information and Image Scaling failing to be restored thegraphics
adapter. This issue is also resolved for the Windows XPoperating system
as well. Further details can be found in topic number737-35874
- Attemptingto
change to clone or single mode no longer fails when display number 2is
set a the primary display device. This issue is also resolved forthe
Windows XP operating system as well. Further details can be foundin
topic number 737-35768
- Connectinga
secondary display device no longer results in the secondary
displayfailing to be seen in the Catalyst Control Center when using a
systemcontaining an ATI Radeon™ HD 2400 series of product. This issue
is alsoresolved for the Windows XP operating system as well. Further
detailscan be found in topic number 737-35802
- Adjustingeither
the gamma, brightness or contrast setting in the CatalystControl Center
no longer results in certain graphics hardwareinformation failing to be
displayed in the Information Center. Thisissue is also resolved for the
Windows XP operating system as well.Further details can be found in
topic number 737-358633
- Enablingand
disabling GPU Scaling no longer results in some of the supporteddisplay
resolutions no longer being available. Further details can befound in
topic number 737-35047
- TheOverDrive™
clocks are no longer set back to default setting whenexiting the
fullscreen samples if the Enable ATI OverDrive™ clocks for3D
applications only option is set to Off. Further details can be foundin
topic number 737-35755
- Usinga
smart dongle no longer results in the mode of 1080i failing to appearin
the display manager of the Catalyst Control Center. Further detailscan
be found in topic number 737-358477
Resolved Issues for the Windows XP Operating System
sectionprovides information on resolved issues in this release of the
ATICatalyst™ Software Suite for Windows XP. These include:
- City of Heroes:
Characterstretching and double character reflection is no longer
noticed whenthe in-game resolution is set to 2560x1600. Further details
can befound in topic number 737-35757
- Enemy Territories Quake Wars:Flickering
is no longer noticed when playing the game with CrossFire™enabled on
systems containing an ATI Radeon™ HD 38x0 series of product.Further
details can be found in topic number 737-35788
- Lost Planet:
Corruption is nolonger noticed when switching between the game and the
Windows XPdesktop. Further details can be found in topic number
- Google SketchUp: The Push/Pull tool no longer fails to select some faces. Further details can be found in topic number 737-35800
- World of Warcraft:Enabling
AA in the Catalyst Control Center no longer results in theuser failing
to log on to the game. Further details can be found intopic number
- Installingthe
display driver from an installation CD no longer results in awarning
message indicating that the Catalyst Control Center is notsupported by
the driver version installed. Further details can be foundin topic
number 737-35120
- Playinga
standard definition DVD using the Windows Media Player
(hardwareacceleration enabled) no longer results in the operating
system failingto respond when attempting to rotate the display. Further
details canbe found in topic number 737-35875
- Intermittentflashing
is no longer noticed in the right portion of the display whenplaying a
720p or 1080i media file when using the Windows Media Playerv10.
Further details can be found in topic number 737-32666
- Playinga
DVD title and selecting the option to use basic color setting todefault
in the Catalyst Control Center now results in the option beingapplied.
Further details can be found in topic number 737-35803
- Playingan
MPEG2 video clip on a display that is rotated no longer results
incorruption being noticed when rotating the display back to
landscapemode. Further details can be found in topic number 737-35805
Resolved Issues for the Windows XP Professional x64 Edition Operating System
sectionprovides information on resolved issues in this release of the
ATICatalyst™ Software Suite for Windows XP Professional x64 Edition.
- Gears of War:
EnablingCrossFire™ and AA may result in white flickering corruption
beingnoticed when playing the game under Windows XP Professional
x64Edition. Further details can be found in topic number 737-35123
Known Issues Under the Windows Vista Operating System
sectionprovides information on known issues that may be experienced
under theWindows Vista operating system with the latest version of
Catalyst™.These include:
- Call of Duty:
Corruption maybe noticed when having Quad CrossFire™ enable and an HDMI
1080p displaydevice connected. Further details can be found in topic
- Call of Duty 4 or Crysis:Color
corruption may be noticed when running the games in full screenmode
with Quad CrossFire™ enabled. Further details can be found intopic
number 737-35115
- Company of Heroes:
Settingthe in-game options to maximum levels may result in the game
exiting tothe desktop after the game has completed loading. Further
details canbe found in topic number 737-32600
- Crysis:
Playing the game at adisplay resolution lower than the native display
resolution of aconnected 30" display device may result in corruption
being noticedwhen CrossFire™ is enabled and having the Catalyst Control
Centerscaling the image to full screen. Further details can be found in
topicnumber 737-35111
- Linage II:
Switching betweenthe game and the Windows desktop may result in the
desktop appearingbrighter than its original setting. Exiting the game
and restarting theoperating system may also result in the desktop
brightness failing tobe restored to its original setting. Further
details can be found intopic number 737-35108
- Lost Planet
(DX10 version):Some of the in-game display resolutions may fail to be
available whenusing a CRT display device. Further details can be found
in topicnumber 737-35872
- Unreal Tournament 3:
The gamemay intermittently fail to launch when a map has texture detail
set tomaximum. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31189
- Thesecondary
HDMI Display may turn off when resuming from an S1hibernation with an
HDMI display connected. Further details can befound in topic number
- Settingthe
desktop resolution to 1600x1200 or greater may result in greenpixel
corruption being noticed when playing certain games. This issuemaybe
noticed when using a system running Windows Vista and containingan ATI
Radeon™ HD 2600 or HD 2400 series of product. Further detailscan be
found in topic number 737-31150
- Attemptingto
play the HD-DVD title Harsh Verdana, School for Scoundrels using
theCyberlink player may result in block corruption being noticed.
Furtherdetails can be found in topic number 737-31155
- Anerror
message may appear when installing the display driver packagethrough
setup.exe. Further details can be found in topic number737-31577
- Installingan
ATI Radeon™ X1600 series of product into a system containing an
ATIRadeon™ HD 2600 series of product with the display driver
alreadyinstalled may result in the operating system entering a
continuousreboot. This issue may be averted by removing the ATI
graphics driverprior to the installation of the ATI Radeon™ X1600
series of product.This issue may also be experienced with the ATI
Radeon™ X1300 and 1550series of products. Further information may be
found in topic number737-33471
- Enablingclone
mode followed by switching to extended desktop mode may result inthe
Windows Vista (64 bit version) failing to respond. Further detailscan
be found in topic number 737-34125
- Performingan
express install of the Catalyst Control Center may result in anerror
message being displayed when rebooting the system. Furtherdetails can
be found in topic number 737-29532
- Enablingextended
desktop mode and setting the color depth below 16bpp mayresult in the
secondary display device failing to redraw properly.Further details can
be found in topic number 737-35114
- Agreen
or black screen may be displayed when configuring MCE to ATSCmode.
Further information may be found in topic number 737-27622
- EnablingBOB
de-interlacing may result in a green line being noticed on thebottom of
the playback window when playing a 1080i clip. Furtherdetails can be
found in topic number 737-35895
- Playinga
Blu-ray DVD title may result in corruption being noticed when
usingcertain display resolutions such as 1360x768, 1360x1024, or
1600x1200.Further details can be found in topic number 737-35896
- Enablingclone
mode followed by switching to extended desktop mode may result inthe
Windows Vista (64 bit version) failing to respond. Further detailscan
be found in topic number 737-357666
Known Issues Under the Windows XP Operating System
section provides a summary of open issues that may beexperienced under
the Windows XP operating system in the latest versionof Catalyst™.
These include:
- Age of Conan:
The inventoryicons may show corruption when playing the game with
CrossFire™enabled. This issue may also be experienced under the Windows
Vistaoperating system as well. Further details can be found in topic
- Company of Heroes:
OpposingFronts: Enabling CrossFire™ may result in the displays
flashingcorruption when setting the in game graphics options to off or
theirlowest settings. Further details can be found in topic number
- Witcher: Enabling AA
andsetting the in-game options to their maximum levels may result
inbackground colors being missing and the game play back being
choppy.Further details can be found in topic number 737-35898
- Usingthe
WinDVD player (versions 14.x, 11.10x, or 9.xx) to play VC1 videocontent
may result in corruption being noticed when hardwareacceleration is
enabled. This issue may also be experienced under theWindows Vista
operating system. Further details can be found in topicnumber 737-35293
- Connectinga
CRT display device as the secondary display and playing a Blu-ray
DVDusing a Cyberlink player may result in no video playback if
extendeddesktop mode is enabled. Further details can be found in topic
- Settingthe
display resolution to 1440x900 or lower may result in corruptionbeing
noticed when playing a DVD title. Further details can be found intopic
number 737-31168
- Connectinga
CRT display device as the secondary display and playing a Blu-ray
DVDusing a Cyberlink player may result in no video playback if
extendeddesktop mode is enabled. Further details can be found in topic
- Thedisplay
may be come corrupted with 4 bit color depth after hotunplugging the
rotated primary HDMI/DFP display. Further details can befound in topic
number 737-35116
- Connectinga
Dual Link Panel to the on-board DVI port, followed by hot plugging aDVI
display to the add-on DVI card may result clone mode becomingdisabled
when rebooting the machine and the secondary display deviceremaining
blank. Further details can be found in topic number 737-35117
- Installingthe
HDMI audio driver and the VIA audio chipset driver may results in
acompatibility issue being noticed and a yellow exclamation mark
showingup in the Sound, Video and Game Controllers. Further details can
befound in topic number 737-35119
- CatalystControl
Center: Configuring a system with multi-adapters may result inan error
message being displayed when running the Test Custom Clocks737-29953
- Enablingpull
down detection in the Catalyst Control Center may result inflickering
being noticed when playing a video clip using the CyberlinkPowerDVD
player. Further details can be found in topic number 737-35121
- Connectinga
CRT display device as the secondary display and playing a Blu-ray
DVDusing a Cyberlink player may result in no video playback if
extendeddesktop mode is enabled. Further details can be found in topic
Known Issues Under the Windows XP Professional x64 Edition
section provides a summary of open issues that may beexperienced under
the Windows XP Professional x64 Edition operatingsystem in the latest
version of Catalyst™. These include:
- Runningan
OpenGL application and attempting to rotate the desktop may resultin
corruption being noticed. Further details can be found in topicnumber
For further information and general help on software driver installation, game issues, and more, visit ATI Customer Care.
Installing the Catalyst™ Vista Software Driver
Installation information can be found at: ati.amd.com
AMD Customer Care
AMDCustomer Care website provides a high level of technical support
andease of navigation. The AMD Customer Care website provides accurate
andup-to-date product support for optimum usability and
performance.Technical issues are categorized and personalized to
enhance userexperience. The AMD Customer Care Website can be found at: support.ati.com
To view a known issue or find troubleshooting information, do the following:
- Go to ati.amd.com. The AMD home page is displayed.
- Click on Support & Drivers. The AMD Support and Drivers web page is displayed.
- In the left hand pane, select Graphics Support.
- Inthe
top right corner of the Graphics Support page, enter the topicnumber or
a general description of the issue you are experiencingwithin the
search field.
- In the Select Site field, select ATI.
- Click the SEARCH symbol.
The information requested (if available) is displayed.
Catalyst™ Crew Driver Feedback
driverrelease incorporates suggestions received through the Catalyst™
CREWDriver Feedback program. To provide us with your feedback, visit: Catalyst™ Crew Driver Feedback.
Advanced Micro Devices Inc.
Voice: (905) 882-2600
Fax: (905) 882-2620